Sunday Sets 8.24 / 8.17

Sunday was a great day! I love my team, and I love the trade in for the es6. Props to Tegan for being such a good sport on the new board. Recently I sold our Yamaha Motif es8 and am in the process of trading it in for 2 smaller units. I love the motif family, don't want to give that up - but with us being portable, there are better options for portability. So now we've got a Motif es6 and something new on the way that I haven't decided on yet. Stay tuned and I will post a recap of my keyboard search. I sure do love Nords.

Sunday Set

Awesome is the Lord Most High [Tomlin)] - Courtney
God of this City [Tomlin]- Courtney
Our God Saves [Baloche] - Kyle
Community Spotlight [a local ministry drive]
Volunteer Spotlight
Hard Close
Post Church Picnic

Sunday Set

All Because Of Jesus [Fee] - Courtney
God of this City [Tomlin] - Courtney
Blessed Be Your Name [Redman] - Kyle
Volunteer Spotlight [and surprise marriage proposal!]
Close [reprise w. Blessed Be Your Name]

Thanks Fred over @ the sunday setlist carnival here.


Gary Durbin said...

Minneapolis...I was there in December visiting a church. Very, very cold. I dig your blog. I will put it on my blogroll. Thanks for the comment. "Our God Saves" is on my to do list right now.

Perky Gramma Teaches said...

Hi Courtney,
Glad to see you bloging now.
I just posted a couple more of your set design pictures on my blog. It that o.k?
You should also post on Ragamuffin Soul, Creative Chaos on Thursday.
Show off your creative element stuff.

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